Our experience in complex B2B areas can support your decision making

SPRINGBOARD - Driving Growth for a B2B brand
Springboard from the UK has been at the forefront of retail flow analysis for many years, helping retailers understand things like footfall, dwell times, decision making, stock levels etc. Its board wanted to understand how it could more successfully expand its business in the US. What would be an effective brand strategy and and how to execute this most efficiently.
We used our expert network to reach some of the biggest retailers in the US, including Walmart, CVS, Sephora and others and spoke to dozens of Shopping mall owners to get a clear picture of the market dynamics. We then workshopped the insights into a clear new proposition for the brand and created new go-to-market assets for success marketing and sales efforts, together with our creative partners on this project.
The business was able to attract fresh investment capital to accelerate growth, demonstrating a clear vision and direction of travel, backed up by action in the form of a new website, LinkedIn strategy and contents and online webinars.

INGRAM MICRO - B2B Channel deep dive
Ingram Micro is probably the biggest brand you never heard of, with over $50bn in annual revenue this brand saw tremendous growth, mainly through an aggressive acquisition strategy. The board wanted to explore if and how the company should structure its branding going forward and wanted this to be customer and market-led.
In order to understand what direction and brand structure would be beneficial we understood we needed to not only look externally at direct customers, partners and the ultimate end users in the channel, but also look internally at sales and marketing functions and garnish their viewpoints.
We conducted over 30 depth interviews amongst C-suite and managerial roles and in addition interviewed over 100 customers and end users around the world.
The business was able to formulate a clear strategy and select the right brand architecture to make full use of synergies between the different arms of the business and creating an overall positioning that looks to deliver against current and future needs of customers and end-users.

VESTA - Developing a new brand architecture
The client, a global vendor of anti fraud fraud solutions for e-commerce businesses, wanted to reposition its brand, build around a change in positioning their core solutions to the market. It meant it wanted to understand the decision making process of companies when it comes to fraud prevention and revenue loss solutions.
Following a deep internal audit and discussions for us to understand the business and its current marketing positioning and execution, we interviewed key decision makers across key global markets. Our aim was to uncover what the things were that are top of mind in this area for senior management at ecommerce businesses and how they go about minimising revenue loss. In a complex ecommerce landscape we looked across platform providers, large ecommerce enterprises and simple B2C/D2C businesses.
The business relaunched it’s marketing efforts with great success adopting a clear hierarchical structure of branding the overall business and it’s varied solutions in a logical way. Using the insights to create better naming for products and a more targeted story telling of their solutions to resonate with potential and current customers.

AVIVA INVESTORS - Brand re-positioning
Aviva Investors UK needed to carry out a brand positioning exercise following a round of recent merger & acquisition activity, which had left them wondering how best to incorporate and communicate their set of core strengths and values. The challenge for us was to reach three very specific specialised target segments of highly time-pressured financial professionals and engage them in a longitudinal discussion and feedback process throughout this project.
We developed a series of structured, iterative online discussions, enabling time-pressured financial professionals to participate flexibly on their own terms. The discussions yielded a host of insights into the differing perceptions, values and specific needs of each of the target audience groups, which were used by the Aviva project team to develop their ideas for the new brand proposition. The proposition concepts and creative were then tested with each professional audience using online focus groups, in order to further refine them before final launch.
Aviva Investors developed a new clear brand positioning based around the concept of ‘Global Intelligence, Local Wisdom’, which encapsulates the benefits to the customer of both the global reach of the Aviva brand, and the more specialised knowledge that comes from heritage in, and detailed understanding of, local market conditions. The website was further restructured along the lines of key customer segments, directing each into a version of the site catering specifically to their particular specialist needs.